Friday, January 13, 2012

we miss alligators

the te'o family in footprints =)

so we moved to our new house in july and we do love it but it isn't a few minute walk to the best beach on the island. today we went to alligators and remembered why we loved our old house so much. we love alligators. it is the best beach ever. we had so much fun. lennon got his feet wet for the first time, in the same spot that his big brother got his feet wet for the first time. both boys had a good time and both parents had a good time. today was a good day. then we went to our neighbors house for a homemade pizza night and they made the most amazing pizza ever and i made the most amazing cupcakes ever and then we remembered why we love our new house so much.


amynicole said...

Ooooh so sweet! Your boys are so cute, I love all rthese photographs!

Cierra said...

i miss ANY hawaiian beach! :)

once again, your boys are A-dorable. too cute for their own good. and i wish i was at your amazing pizza/cupcake night!

Unknown said...

I wonder if this is the same beach we've been going to for years and never knew the name of it lol. I need your email and num! You need to join some of us Waialua Ward girls on "excursions". xoxo